



① 据《通鉴》所载,南安焦姓出自氐人;
② 据《华阳国志》所载,南中夷四姓有焦,别为一派;
③ 西夏人中有焦姓;
④ 清满洲八旗姓党佳氏,后改为焦;今满、土家、蒙古、布依等民族均有此姓;
⑤ 根据《华阳国志》上记载,古代南中夷(今四川省大渡河以南和云南、贵州两省)少数民族中有焦姓,另为一派。
焦 先:字考然,三国时魏国河东郡(治所在今山西省夏县)人,隐士。隐居荒野河边草庐中,见人不语,冬夏不穿衣,睡不铺席,满身污垢,数天吃一顿饭,相传活了一百多年。
焦 遗:十六国时西秦南安(今甘肃省陇西)人。曾为太子太师,后迁安南将军、广宁太守等职。南安诸羌族人曾推举其为主代秦,被其拒绝。
焦 度:南安氐人,南朝齐将领。少有勇力,善骑射。历任辅国将军、东宫直阁将军、淮陵太守、游击将军等职。沈攸之起兵造反,焦度镇守郢城,曾于城楼上辱骂沈攸之,人呼其楼为焦度楼。
焦 遂:唐代名士。说话口吃,清醒时话不成句,醉酒时对答如流。与贺知章、李适之、李白、王王进、崔宗之、苏晋、张旭并称饮中八仙。焦守节:许州长社(今属河南)人,宋代大臣。其父焦继勋官至彰德军节度。守节以父荫补官。真宗时,置江淮南、荆湖路兵马都监。降施州蛮,出使契丹。后迁四方馆舍,以右神武大将军致仕。
焦 芳:河南省泌阳(今唐河)人,明代大臣。天顺进士,授编修。历任吏部尚书、文渊阁大学士,累加少师、华盖殿大学士。其性阴狠、贪婪。家藏万金,居第宏丽。后被革职。
焦 馨:山东省章丘人,明代直臣。万历年间进士。由中书舍人迁兵部员外郎,天启间官至右副都御史、巡抚宁夏,拒建魏忠贤生祠。崇祯元年解官。
焦 竑:字弱侯(1541-1589),号漪园,又号澹园,明代学者。祖籍日照市大花崖村,出生于江苏省江宁。自幼聪颖好学,16岁在南京考中秀才,便到天界寺、报恩寺埋头苦读。万历十七年(1589年)49岁时考中己丑科状元,以殿试第一入翰林修撰。 焦竑为人性格直率,政见不同则当面辩论,并上书谏争,因而受到当政者厌恶。因而他出任顺天乡试副主考时,曾受谗臣的诬陷。从而他看透官场险恶,忿然辞官,从此,不再出仕,是年,他为李贽作《藏书序》。焦竑一生博览群书,精于文、史、哲学科。他治学严谨,不入俗流,常有独到之处。著作甚丰,著有《澹园集》、《澹园续集》、《焦氏类林》、《老子翼》、《庄子翼》、《养正图解》、《玉堂丛话》等。
焦 循:甘泉(今江苏省扬州)人,清朝经学家、数学家、戏曲理论家。嘉庆举人。出身治《易》世家。他以数学原理及音韵训诂整理《易经》。有《雕菰楼易学三书》、《孟子正义》、《论语道释》、《剧说》、《释弧》、《释轮》、《加减乘除释》。



A, surname origins

Coke (Jiāo) surname originated from four aspects:

1, from Ji Xing, descendants of ancient Shennong to the country as a surname. According to "Annals clan slightly", "Guang Yun" and "Historical Records" as set out in the early Western Zhou Dynasty King Wu of Zhou was founded after the closure of future generations Yi Sun Yu Jiao Shennong build JIAO (in the north-east hundred steps of future generations Shan Zhou away coke City), spring and autumn when the eradication of Jin and its descendants to the country as a surname, Suiweijiaoshi.

2, from Ji Xing, to the country's name. According to "Guangyun" contained in the Zhou dynasty, with the royal family surname vassal state JIAO (gucheng Shan County, Henan Province in this southern city of two years of the coke), after the eradication of Jin, the former royal family JIAO then submitted after the name of the country name.

3, of self surname Jiang, to land known as s. The Spring and Autumn to move at about Ling Jiao, and thereafter to named's.

4, from his family surname:

① According to the "universal warning" contained in Nanan surname from Jiao Zuben people;

② According to "Huayang" as set out in South Africa and razed four surnames have coke, do not for one group;

③ Xia Jiao people have surnames;

④ surname party Jia Shi Qing Manchu Eight Banners, later changed to coke; this Manchu, Tujia, Mongolian, Buyi ethnic groups have this surname;

⑤ According to "Huayang" recorded in the ancient South Africa and Yi (now the south of the Dadu River in Sichuan Province and Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces) minority has Jiao surname, and the other for the faction.

Was named ancestor: Jiaobo: the descendants of Yan Di Shen Nong. Jiao Shi's surname as early as the Zhou dynasty was a time when, so far 3,000 years of history, is the ancient Chinese name, is one of Nan Yi is one of the most common surname. Chou dynasty, King Wu of Zhou wantonly Packet princes, in addition to Robinson and the royal family of Packet meritorious, but also on behalf of the saints after the previous packet, after visits, he has found a direct descendant of Yan Emperor Shen Nong, it will be the seal on the coke, the establishment of JIAO Guo, its To count, late, lamented, said Jiao Bo. Spring and Autumn Period, JIAO Guo-Jin by being swallowed, followed by children and grandchildren that is their native country as a clan, family name, said Jiao. They respect Jiao Bo was named as the focal ancestor's surname.

Second, the distribution of migration

Founded in the Western Zhou Dynasty's JIAO, eliminate in the Jin Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period, so children and grandchildren have Chuben, or crossed the Yellow River into the north of Shanxi, Shaanxi, resettlement or West, or to the northeast of Hebei, Shandong ment. Pre-Qin period, the focus surname were not significant in the history books, performance was relatively quiet. Western Han Dynasty, the name seen in the annals of the coke addition to Liang (now in Henan Shangqiu) Human coke life extension, there are also in the "TIAN Yan-year pass" in a little mention about the Maoling (now in Shaanxi Province Xingping) rich Jiao Shi . The Eastern Han Dynasty, into the annals of the coke contained in coke surnames have touch, coke and, Jiao, as well as Lujiang (this is in Anhui Province) Human Jiao Zhongqing, a former prefect of the Hueiji Hedong Sanin (now Zhejiang Shaoxing) who focus bestow. These data indicate that this inter-coke surname in addition to continuing propagation in the North, the focus has been named in the north of the Yangtze River in Anhui, Zhejiang and other places south of the Yangtze River to settle. Reproduction in the north of the Coke name, and gradually developed into Hebei Zhongshan (this Dingzhou), Quang Binh (now jize East), as well as Shaanxi, and other places distinguished family FUNG Yik. Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were east of the river (today's Shanxi Province, County, Massachusetts) Human coke first, JIAO Bao-Liang who is willing to, stability (this rule where the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Guyuan) Human Jiao Song, Nam (present-day Gansu Province Longxi) Human coke left, Jiaokai father and son, and Zuben surname JIAO on replacing coke, coke degree of father and son. Note this time of social unrest caused by coke surname migrated to the south, the more coke surname Bibing by fire in Ningxia, Shaanxi, Gansu area. The Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan Zhenguan of governance and peace and prosperity, political Ching Ming, the people live and work, so that the focus of the county surnamed Wang reproduce more effective than that. Shih Rebellion, and Huang Chao Uprising, as well as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms surname population, although the resulting sharp drop in coke, but its propagation is ment was small, disorderly retreating because of rival principalities separatism or national separation,天下乌鸦一般黑, where there is war The Pure Land is not burning. SONG Jing-Kang shame, the coke surname refuge Jiangdong, multiply this Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang area, Song Methodist, there Jiaobing Yan Xuanzhou moved from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Anhui. Song to the early Yuan, Jiao had to name the wider south-ment of other provinces. The early Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Shanxi Coke name as a surname Hongtong Ash moved to China, one was sub-move in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong and other places. Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jiao name appeared in large numbers in the southern parts of others, while talent, the reputation of a loud, making coke name so far in the south has always been a well-known throughout the surname. Today, surnamed Jiao widely distributed across the country, particularly over the surname of Jiangxi, accounting for the Han population, 26 percent named Coke. Jiao surname surnames in China today Ranking 128th place name, a bigger population, accounting for about 0.1 percent Han Chinese population.

Third, historical figures

Jiao first: the word test-ran, the Three Kingdoms Wei Hadong-gun (where the current government of Shanxi County, Massachusetts) people, a hermit. Cao Lu seclusion in the wilderness river, people do not see the language, summer and winter is not dressing, I could not sleep shop, covered with dirt, a few days to eat a meal, according to legend lived for 100 years.

Jiao Yi: 16 Nam On the State of Qin (today's Gansu Province Longxi) people. Worked Taizitaishi, the latter moved to General Kofi Annan, procurator rank of Quang Ninh. Nan Zhu Qiang tribe has elected its main generation of Qin, was his refusal.

Focal power: Nanan Zuben people, Southern Qi generals. Rare-Yong Li, good riding and shooting. Fu-Kuo served as a general, straight Pavilion Orient House, General, Huai-Ling Prefecture, guerrilla rank of general. Shen Yau's Rebellion, Jiao Ying degree of guarding the city, the castle was verbal abuse, Shen Yau's, people call the House floor for the focal power.

Jiao Sui: Tang Dynasty celebrities. Speak stuttering, awake, then not a sentence, while drunk fluent. And He Zhizhang, Li Shizhi, Li Bai, Wang, Wang Jin, Cui's, Su Jin, Xu and said to drink in the Eight Immortals. Coke remarry: Xu governor Agency (this is a Henan) people of the Song dynasty minister. His father rose to the rank Akinori Jun Jie Du Jiao Jixun. Remarry in order to fill the parent Yum officer. Shinshu, the home JAC south, soldiers and horses were Jinghu Road Supervisor. Shi Man down state, ambassador to Khitan. After the quartet moved to the premises, to the right have already been taken Great General Zhi Shi.

JIAO Fang: Henan Province Biyang (now Tanghe) people, the Ming dynasty minister. Tianshun jinshi editing award. Former board of civil chancery, Wenyuan Pavilion scholar, accumulate fewer divisions, canopy Hall bachelor. Their sexual Yinhen, greed. Iezo 10000 gold, ranked Hong-li. After dismissal.

Jiao Xin: Zhangqiu people, the Ming Dynasty Naoomi. Wanli jinshi. Central Book Toneri move Hyobu Yuanwai Lang, deputy were revealed between the rose to the rank right Censor, governor of Ningxia, refused to build Wei Zhongxian SHENGCI. Chongzhen Jieguan first year.

Jiao Hong: word weak Hou (1541-1589), No. Yi Park, another No. Dan Park, the Ming Dynasty scholar. Native of Rizhao City Flower Cliff Village, was born in Jiangsu Province, Jiangning. An early age, intelligent, studious, 16-year-old scholar comprehensive examination in Nanjing, then to heaven Temple, Hoonji buried studying so hard. Wanli seventeen years (1589) 49 at the age of the comprehensive examinations for subjects like Ji-Chou一、姓氏源流
① 据《通鉴》所载,南安焦姓出自氐人;
② 据《华阳国志》所载,南中夷四姓有焦,别为一派;
③ 西夏人中有焦姓;
④ 清满洲八旗姓党佳氏,后改为焦;今满、土家、蒙古、布依等民族均有此姓;
⑤ 根据《华阳国志》上记载,古代南中夷(今四川省大渡河以南和云南、贵州两省)少数民族中有焦姓,另为一派。
焦 先:字考然,三国时魏国河东郡(治所在今山西省夏县)人,隐士。隐居荒野河边草庐中,见人不语,冬夏不穿衣,睡不铺席,满身污垢,数天吃一顿饭,相传活了一百多年。
焦 遗:十六国时西秦南安(今甘肃省陇西)人。曾为太子太师,后迁安南将军、广宁太守等职。南安诸羌族人曾推举其为主代秦,被其拒绝。
焦 度:南安氐人,南朝齐将领。少有勇力,善骑射。历任辅国将军、东宫直阁将军、淮陵太守、游击将军等职。沈攸之起兵造反,焦度镇守郢城,曾于城楼上辱骂沈攸之,人呼其楼为焦度楼。
焦 遂:唐代名士。说话口吃,清醒时话不成句,醉酒时对答如流。与贺知章、李适之、李白、王王进、崔宗之、苏晋、张旭并称饮中八仙。焦守节:许州长社(今属河南)人,宋代大臣。其父焦继勋官至彰德军节度。守节以父荫补官。真宗时,置江淮南、荆湖路兵马都监。降施州蛮,出使契丹。后迁四方馆舍,以右神武大将军致仕。
焦 芳:河南省泌阳(今唐河)人,明代大臣。天顺进士,授编修。历任吏部尚书、文渊阁大学士,累加少师、华盖殿大学士。其性阴狠、贪婪。家藏万金,居第宏丽。后被革职。
焦 馨:山东省章丘人,明代直臣。万历年间进士。由中书舍人迁兵部员外郎,天启间官至右副都御史、巡抚宁夏,拒建魏忠贤生祠。崇祯元年解官。
焦 竑:字弱侯(1541-1589),号漪园,又号澹园,明代学者。祖籍日照市大花崖村,出生于江苏省江宁。自幼聪颖好学,16岁在南京考中秀才,便到天界寺、报恩寺埋头苦读。万历十七年(1589年)49岁时考中己丑科状元,以殿试第一入翰林修撰。 焦竑为人性格直率,政见不同则当面辩论,并上书谏争,因而受到当政者厌恶。因而他出任顺天乡试副主考时,曾受谗臣的诬陷。从而他看透官场险恶,忿然辞官,从此,不再出仕,是年,他为李贽作《藏书序》。焦竑一生博览群书,精于文、史、哲学科。他治学严谨,不入俗流,常有独到之处。著作甚丰,著有《澹园集》、《澹园续集》、《焦氏类林》、《老子翼》、《庄子翼》、《养正图解》、《玉堂丛话》等。
焦 循:甘泉(今江苏省扬州)人,清朝经学家、数学家、戏曲理论家。嘉庆举人。出身治《易》世家。他以数学原理及音韵训诂整理《易经》。有《雕菰楼易学三书》、《孟子正义》、《论语道释》、《剧说》、《释弧》、《释轮》、《加减乘除释》。
