书面表达。 。。

假如你校组织了一场关于听力测试是否应该取消的辩论,作为反方代表,请你针对正方提出的论点加以反驳,下列为正方观点:1听力只是英语测试的一小部分,完全可以忽略;2听力测试对偏远的地区的学生有失公平;3只有英语专业的学生可以进行听力考察。开头:Good afternoon,everyone!l strongly reject the idea of canceling the listening test…



书面表达是测试学生语言操作能力和书面交际能力的综合题型。中考英语书面表达一般有三种题型:1. 根据中文设置的情景和英文提示词语,写出语法正确、意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。2 根据图示写短文,要求故事完整,表达正确,且内容与图片相符。3 根据表格中提供的内容用英语写一篇短文。书面表达作为语言交际的最高形式,对于能力的要求也是最高的,同学们怎样才能变被动为主动?我认为在复习中应该做到以下几点:1 加强词汇、语法基本功的练习。2 掌握教材中有关日记、书信、便条、通知的书写格式,并模仿范例,进行尝试。3 熟悉学过的课文内容。因为中考很多题目是在课文基础上的改写。4 这段复习课本,必须从造句、改写或缩写课文练起,并就一些熟悉的体裁进行简单的写作尝试,尽量让学生多读经典句子,多背诵好的篇章、段落。5 掌握一些写作的思路和技巧。(1)构思:审清题目要求,确定写作思路。比如,去年中考让以“Love”为题简要地描述一件发生在你身边的事。有些同学写的不少,但没写出一件事。(2)列词:根据题目要求,列出表达要点,找出能体现要点的关键词或短语。(3)造句:即把所列要点句型化。根据我们课本上所学简单句的五种句型。(4)谋篇:将要写的句子表达成文。首先确定表达的时态主线,其次要学会使用一些过渡词,如:and,but,at first,then, for example等,使文章更加自然通畅。必要时可考虑分段,这样会使文章添色不少,中考批卷时的满分都是除语言无误,还要行文连贯。(5)检查:通读文章几遍,看行文是否一致,要点是否齐全,有无语法、拼写和标点错误,尽量将丢分的可能性降到最低。另外,让同学们还要掌握一定的写作应试技巧。注意字母的大小写;注意句子中的标点和符号;注意句子的时态和语态。



1.Although listening is a small part of an English test,yet it doesn`t mean it is unimportant.As we all know that,listening is one of the important channels for us to get information from the outside world. so it should be strengthened today when international cooperation is becoming more and more frequent.
2. listening test is unfair to the students in the areas where radio signals cannot be picked up effectively,it`s true. And for certain reasons, there is a big difference in teachers and equipment between the countryside and the city. But there is nothing completely fair in the world.If you want to be an outstand man,you should learn more!There are many famous persons comes from the poor areals.Can it mean that poor areals are special?
3.listening is among the four basic skills. We therefore can not ignore it. Not only will the English Majors have the opportunities to communicate with foreigners,but everyone of us.So we must learn listening well.
